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The “NATURE” of Creativity: Calling All Children!

Kids have been “at home” much more these past few months—and parents continue to seek ways to support their children’s development. Here are 20 suggestions that are central to children’s well-being.

How can parents help their children develop an authentic sense of self, competence, strong values, and the confidence to be creative? The following suggestions are always relevant, but perhaps amidst the challenges posed by the COVID crisis it is even more important to focus on ways to support children’s successes.


1. Success comes in many different forms. Encourage kids to find opportunities to do something positive whenever possible. To be kind, contribute to the community and to the greater good, and benefit others in some way.

2. Show appreciation for children’s accomplishments. Convey recognition, reinforcement and pride. Emphasize growth and progress. Help them find a good educational match. (See How Children Learn: Fit, Fairness, and Flexibility for suggestions.)

3. Help kids understand the perspectives of other individuals and groups. This includes being respectful of race, religion, sexual orientation, age, feelings, ability levels, and various differences among people—and how these differences can broaden ways of thinking and doing.

Dr. Joanne Foster

Dr. Joanne Foster, an acclaimed author and educator, has dedicated over 35 years to gifted education and child development. With expertise in psychology and special education, her work empowers parents and educators, fostering creativity and high-level learning in children and teens. Dr. Foster has written countless articles, and several books—the most recent being Ignite Your Ideas: Creativity for Kids.

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